Clients and experiences. Some great...some challenging. (often the best ones are both) All wonderful parts of life. Recently I have been greatly blessed by opportunities to shoot for a major client and also capture a great friend's most important day of her life (thus far). Every shoot offers news ways to people to meet.
Little over a week ago I was asked to go shoot in upstate New York for a major private/corporate aircraft company. I have never spent any time in that side of the country and I must admit....I am addicted!!!! Rolling hills, rivers, beautiful TALL trees...beautiful jets flying in and out of the personal heaven. So when they told me they would be flying me out on their company jet...lets just say I was pretty excited. 35 hours (total gone from Dallas), 1500 shots, 2 subjects (big aircraft), 3.5 hours of sleep.....LOVE IT! (my focus doesn't start blurring til 96+ hours without sleep, haha!) 2 different locations....and a partridge in a pear tree. Though I lost in the friendly poker to the executives on the flight back (my policy to never beat the client) It was a great time and look forward to the next shoot. Many Thanks to Forrest and Gerhard for all your help during the well as Troy for letting me sit left seat on the way back.

Just to give you an idea how big this monster was I posted up beside it.

On the way there....HOW HIGH ARE WE??

I rarely shoot weddings. Some of the most talented and amazing photographers are wedding shooters...I'm just not really one of them. (on a full time basis) But when a good friend asked me to shoot her wedding I couldn't resist. Weddings are fast and furious. Much like an on location editorial approach, shooting as much as you can while maintaining dare not miss any of those priceless moments. Its slightly different than my usual "set up the shot" (little) more organized/thought out approach... but really a great time! Changing up styles keep you sharp. Nice to do something that you know will benefit people that you are in direct contact with on a weekly basis. All of the best luck, wishes, success, and Love for you Mackenzie and Colby!

The Groom and His Ninja Merry Men

Don't Stop Believin!
Braun...and Patton